(There were 10 but I combined some to make it 5.)
1. Stop Smoking/Drink Less Alcohol
2. Lose Weight/Exercise More
3. Enjoy Life More/Spend More Time With Family/ Help People
4. Learn Something New
5. Get Out of Debt
Here are a few resources that have helped me with each of these.
Get Healthy! (I combined resolution 1 and 2 because the goal is to get healthy.)
1. If you know me you know that I am a huge fan of P90X. There are 12 workout DVDs, a fitness plan, and nutrition program. It is difficult and you might have to start out doing every other workout but if you follow the program I guarantee you will see results.
2. The Belly Off Program from Men's Health. I did this 8 week program a couple of years ago and lost 20 pounds, while gaining strength. The nutrition plan has delicious food and A LOT of it! Women's Health has similar plans for healthy eating and exercise.
I have never experienced an addiction to smoking or drinking alcohol. I do know that in order to break an addiction you must seek help from God and someone stronger than you in that area because if you could quit on your own you would have done it already. Lay down your pride and get some help.
Enjoy Life!
1. The book A Million Miles In A Thousand Years by Donald Miller is about enjoying life and living a better story. Check it out from your local library.2. The book Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren is a fantastic book to begin your year. I have read it four times and refer to it throughout the year. It is a great way to help you find or reaffirm your purpose for your life.
3. The book Chazown by Craig Groeschel is also a great book for beginning a new year or new season of your life. Chazown is Hebrew for Vision and it provides a step by step process for developing a vision or plan for your life.
These 3 books are all about enjoying your life, spending time with family, and helping people. 3 birds with one stone!
We live in the information age so there is no excuse for you to not learn something new everyday. I use Twitter, Podcasts on iTunes, blogs, and the library and it is all FREE! If you want to learn something new simply type it into Google and you're on your way.
Be Debt Free!
1. Financial Peace University is a program by Dave Ramsey that will teach you ways to get out of debt, save money, and build wealth. You can also read his book called Total Money Makeover which is a broad overview of FPU.
2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is a book that will change your perspective on money. It is not for everybody but I really enjoyed it and it has some great financial principles.
3. The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach is another great book to help you with your finances. It is not a get rich quick book but rather shows you how to build wealth over your lifetime. It provides many resources within the pages.
Again, these are all resources that have personally worked for me. I wouldn't have shared them if they didn't help me experience success in these areas. If one of them works for you please share it with someone else. Please remember that in order to keep your resolutions and reach your goals it is your responsibility to be disciplined enough to take them seriously.
What books, programs, or resources have helped you reach your goals?
I would love to add, "The Blessed Life" to your list of books on Debt. Not only will it encourage someone to get out of debt, it will tell you why it's so important!!
ReplyDeleteI will have to check that out. I've heard nothing but good things.