1. We take care of what's new. A bird had the audacity to leave some droppings on the hood of our new car. And because it is new, I got a napkin from the glove box, a bottle of water, and immediately washed it off. I have never done that before...but then again I've never had a new car before.
I think this is true for everything. Cars, houses, shoes, and relationships all receive more attention when they are new. We must make it a point to take care of what we have. "The grass is always greener where it is watered."
2. Earning something makes you more appreciative. My wife and I have only driven used cars; very used. Although our "new" car is actually a 2007, we feel like it's brand spankin' new since we have never purchased a car younger than 8 years old. Going from a '96 to a '07 is a major step up.
No matter how much money you have, a 16 or 18 year old should never have a new car. Your first job should be one that you despise. Your first girlfriend/boyfriend should break your heart. Your first wardrobe should be hand-me-down. Your first vacation should be to a museum in a neighboring state. When you work hard and go through tough times you sure appreciate the good stuff.

BTW, we bought a Chevy Malibu Maxx and love it!
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