1. It's an easy read. This book just kept flowing and I couldn't put it down. I read the whole thing on a round trip flight. Although the reading is light the writing is very deep. I promise that will make sense once you read it.
2. It's thought provoking. While reading through the authors story you can't help but reflect and examine your own story.
3. It's challenging. You can learn how to create a better story for yourself and your family. It's like reading a self-help book in story form and much more entertaining.
4. It's funny. Donald Miller's writing style is very conversational and people looked at me as I laughed out loud on the plane while reading it.
5. It's sad. I didn't cry but my throat got a little lumpy once or twice.
I could go on but I would rather you read A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller. Hit up Barnes and Noble or check it out at your local library.
Learning is a Drug. Get Addicted.
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