Saturday, November 27, 2010

I Am Thankful

I remember learning in philosophy something about never knowing pleasure without pain.  I'll not take time to explain in detail but here are a few examples: 

We can only know beautiful weather if we have experienced extreme cold or extreme heat.
We can only know true love if we have been truly heartbroken. 
We can only know if something tastes good if we have had something that tastes bad.

You can decide what you want to believe about this but I do believe this philosophy relates to being thankful and experiencing true thanksgiving.  I believe the more hurt we have experienced the more thankful we can be. 

I am thankful for my wonderful wife because I have been heartbroken.
I am thankful for my health because I have been sick.
I am thankful for a job that I love because I have had many that I did not.

We can also better experience thanksgiving when we hurt for other people.

I am thankful for my memory after spending time with my grandpa who has Alzheimer's.
I am thankful for my parents after spending time with my students that only have one.
I am thankful for my food after eating beans and rice every meal in Costa Rica.
I am thankful for my job after spending time with those that are unemployed or have temp jobs.
I am thankful for my friends after spending time with those that are lonely.

It is the things that bring us hurt that cause us to be the most thankful.

What circumstances have caused you to be thankful?

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